Saturday, September 1, 2012

Blending Is For The Birds

The other day, I'm not quite sure when, I read this sentiment and it resonated within me with a blaring intensity. "When in doubt, move further away from center. Exaggerate your difference and try to stand out more! Blending is so boring!" I cannot recall the author, but I believe its Kimora Lee Simmons' words.  After living a life of accomodating the opinions and feelings of others entirely too much, it became a bit too taxing to say the least.  If at every corner you find yourself constantly questioning the appropriateness of an action based upon how it will make others feel ad infinity, its time to make a change.  I have finally arrived at the point of no return where that ideal is of little consequence to me.  Bidding farewell to the safety of meshing a little of myself with a little of what others thought that I should be or do has revolutionized my thinking.  This has lifted me to heights within unheard of before.  I love experiencing myself in full technicolor.  The watered down safe version of Terrea is bland and base.  There is absolutely no fun in playing it safe, not wanting to offend others to the point of filtering my every thought, word or deed.  Being an authentic woman has settled me in Divinity's opinion of me which requires no blending or mixing of motives, mentalities or agendas.  What? I get to be me totally and completely all of the time?! Who knew! I now look forward to ways to exaggerate my differences and celebrate my unique brand.  I am as Maya Angelou decribes in her "Phenomenal Woman" poem, "I am not cute nor built to suit a fashion model's size; I don't shout or jump about or have to talk real loud." In my youth I did not appreciate nor embrace those things about myself but my womanhood has allowed me to wrap my arms around the aspects of myself that set me apart from others. I love the fact that I am unique and my height and curves separate me from a fashion model's size. I love, love, love that I don't talk really loudly and that at times you may need to focus closely to hear what I'm saying. How grand is that? I get your total attention. Emphasizing and accentuating those pieces of myself that others may view as a liability is a splendid challenge I'd say. So instead of retreating quietly into obscurity or blending into the crowd so as not to draw too much attention to what I may be lacking, I applaud what everyone else claims is a deficiency. Thank You God for wisdom with age.  Blending should be reserved for painting and two families coming together under one roof.

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